Parashá Vayeshev - Baalei Tefilá Morá Ester Jarmatz
   Buenos Aires - Argentina   +54 9 4588 1112   baaleitefila@hotmail.com   Lunes a Jueves 14 a 18 horas
+54 9 4588 1112 baaleitefila@hotmail.com Lunes a Jueves 14 a 18 horas

Calendario de eventos

Parashá Vayeshev
Sábado, 21. Diciembre 2024
Vayeshev (“He Settled”) begins the story of Joseph, describing his rivalry with his brothers, slavery in Egypt, and imprisonment after his master’s wife frames him in response to Joseph’s refusal of her advances. It also contains the story of Tamar, her husbands, and her father-in-law, Judah.

Torah: Genesis 37:1-40:23
Haftarah: Amos 2:6-3:8


Baalei Tefilá es una marca registrada publicada el 31/05/2022 con el número3292740, boletín 5347 del Instituto Nacional de la Propiedad Industrial (INPI). Según disposición: Fecha: 13/06/2022 - Numero: DI-2022-150-APN-DNM#INPI.