Parashá Shoftim - Baalei Tefilá Morá Ester Jarmatz
   Buenos Aires - Argentina   +54 9 4588 1112   baaleitefila@hotmail.com   Lunes a Jueves 14 a 18 horas
+54 9 4588 1112 baaleitefila@hotmail.com Lunes a Jueves 14 a 18 horas

Calendario de eventos

Parashá Shoftim
Sábado, 30. Agosto 2025
Shoftim (“Judges”) discusses guidelines of leadership, opening with a command to appoint judges and continuing to detail laws of kings, priests, and prophets. It also describes laws relating to cities of refuge for accidental killers, false witnesses, warfare, and the rite performed in a case of unsolved murder.

Torah: Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9
Haftarah: Isaiah 51:12-52:12


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