Parashá Ki Teitzei - Baalei Tefilá Morá Ester Jarmatz
   Buenos Aires - Argentina   +54 9 4588 1112   baaleitefila@hotmail.com   Lunes a Jueves 14 a 18 horas
+54 9 4588 1112 baaleitefila@hotmail.com Lunes a Jueves 14 a 18 horas

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Parashá Ki Teitzei
Sábado, 6. Septiembre 2025
Ki Teitzei (“When You Go Out”) contains numerous laws, more than appear in any other Torah portion. These include laws about the treatment of a captive woman, returning lost objects, forbidden mixtures, the erection of a rooftop fence, rape, collateral, and workers’ wages.

Torah: Deuteronomy 21:10-25:19
Haftarah: Isaiah 54:1-10


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